There are two types of raspberries: summer-bearing types and fall-bearing types. Fall-bearing raspberries bear fruit on their primocanes. Red and yellow cultivars are summer or fall bearers. Black and purple raspberries are all summer-bearers.
Fall-bearing raspberries can produce a fall and a summer crop. All canes needed to be cut to ground levels when plants are dormant, usually in the winter before growth begins.
This type of raspberries is vigorous plants. If left on their own, wintered-over canes will produce fruit in summer, but the fall crop will be reduced.
Fall-bearing raspberries may be ultimate low-maintenance bramble for gardeners in the northern two-thirds of the United States.
Fall-bearing raspberries can be planted in fall and harvest the first crop the following fall. It yields a large crop in the fall and a smaller crop the following summer.
Fall bearing raspberries
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